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Site to advertise volunteer positions

  • Wednesday, June 01, 2022 09:33
    Reply # 12801247 on 12794879
    Nan Farrior (Administrator)

    We use our hospital's website also. 

  • Tuesday, May 31, 2022 09:41
    Reply # 12799740 on 12794879

    I use the site, - it works great and it is free. I get some volunteer requests from there and have accepted some in too. 

  • Friday, May 27, 2022 09:07
    Reply # 12796027 on 12794879
    Jackie Kennedy (Administrator)

    WE just use our hospital website no other program.  In the past we did use voluneermatch but didn't work for us.

  • Thursday, May 26, 2022 11:25
    Message # 12794879

    Could anyone share the sites you use to advertise volunteer openings that get good results.  Please specify if the site is free.  If there is a fee how much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

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