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Washing Volunteer Uniforms

  • Monday, July 09, 2018 08:44
    Reply # 6366438 on 6294050
    Deleted user

    When we had uniforms, each volunteer washed their own uniforms and I would have them laundered once they quit and I needed to give to someone else. We no longer have uniforms, the "uniform" for volunteers is now a lanyard that has "VOLUNTEER" on both sides. The volunteers seem to like them. They are cheaper so we no longer charge for them and are turned in if the volunteer leaves and are recycled. 

  • Tuesday, July 03, 2018 13:03
    Reply # 6358704 on 6294050

    All new volunteers pay for their first uniform.  After the first year, we reorder as needed and replace it for free, if they are a regular volunteer.   

  • Monday, June 25, 2018 13:44
    Reply # 6341171 on 6294050

    For our "loaner" smocks.... I take them home and wash them after each wearing. The majority of our volunteers buy their own and would be responsible for their upkeep.  My department is small and the upkeep is not a problem for me. ( I buy detergent and the hospital reimburses me..)

  • Monday, June 25, 2018 12:12
    Reply # 6341046 on 6294050

    Volunteers pay $10 for a polo or jacket and they are responsible for laundering them.

  • Thursday, June 14, 2018 10:06
    Reply # 6311802 on 6294050
    Alice B. Whisnant (Administrator)

    The Auxiliary purchases the volunteer uniforms and provides them to each volunteer for use.  The volunteer is responsible for keeping his/her uniform clean, neat and professional.

  • Friday, June 08, 2018 09:51
    Reply # 6295919 on 6294050
    Deleted user

    The hospital provides free uniforms (vests)  for our volunteers and we also send them to a dry cleaner for laundering when a volunteer resigns.  The hospital pays the laundry fee.  

  • Friday, June 08, 2018 08:42
    Reply # 6295839 on 6294050

    A new volunteer pays $20 for a uniformn the Vol organization pays the remaining $12 .  They keep the uniforms.  

  • Thursday, June 07, 2018 14:50
    Message # 6294050
    Jackie Kennedy (Administrator)

    How do you wash & reuse your volunteer uniforms, if you provide them for free to your volunteers?   Do your staff or volunteers help wash/iron or do you use a company.




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