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Patient Family Advisory Council Involvement

  • Monday, July 09, 2018 08:35
    Reply # 6366419 on 6354630
    Deleted user

    We currently have 6 volunteers on our PFAC, 2 more coming on this month. Our PFAC is very active, my main challenge is recruiting new members and especially having more diversity in members that represent our community. It normally takes at least a year for members to fully embrace the mission on the PFAC and fully understand it's true purpose. They sit on committees and offer excellent insight from the patient/family perspective. (patient outcomes/transition of care/mental health/stroke/board quality/nurse practice councils). Some of these councils/committees are on-going, some end after changes have been implemented. The key to buy-in is having the CNO and medical director's commitment to the council's success. After there are several PFAC members on these committees, you should see the acceptance and welcoming of the PFAC's mission.    

  • Tuesday, July 03, 2018 10:32
    Reply # 6358330 on 6354630

      Yes - we have volunteers on our facility Patient Experience team

  • Tuesday, July 03, 2018 08:07
    Reply # 6358104 on 6354630

    Yes - we have volunteers on our facility Patient Experience team and on the system team.  

  • Monday, July 02, 2018 08:24
    Message # 6354630
    Deleted user

    If you have a PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) at your facility, have you had any success integrating volunteer advisors into hospital committees?  Our PFAC is three years old, and we are still having trouble with committees embracing advisors.   

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